In dealing with insurance companies, everything sort of feels like a road block. When working with core values, they come along and work with these road bocks, to go in and get the information they need to move along in the process. – Marijke Lindner
I would recommend core values to others because they’re great people, very knowledgeable, they contact the doctors for us if there is any type of information that we need, they have good opinions and they have a medical consultant on staff if we need further information. core values always exceed my expectations. – Kathy Schram
Core values does a superior job when it comes to managing claims and attention to the details. They listen, their knowledge base is very good and they are very pleasant to deal with. They have high standards… and one responds to that. – Dr. Donald Butt
They certainly know how to deliver and create win-win situations. – Dr. Vic Grossi
core values has always exceeded our expectations in terms of a client relationship and what I expect from a [service] provider. They are proactive and I’ve never felt that they were working for themselves; rather, working for us. I’m not sure there are others in the industry doing what core values is doing. Maybe the industry should be adjusting itself to core values.– Laurie Caforio , Administrator