Examples of Return on Investment
Scenario 1: Preliminary Analysis
You may have concerns about the cause or duration of an employee’s absence, but you may also be uncertain about the requirements for an in-depth rehabilitation program. Perhaps the return to work date is “indefinite”, or the medical requirements are unclear. core values will contact the physician, may arrange for a home visit by a network provider and provide you with our recommendations.
We review medical and correspond with physician $ 130.00
Home visit (external service provider) $ 170.00
Our report/recommendations $ 300.00
Including direct and indirect costs, 15 days absence at an $800/week entitlement is about $3600 in losses.
Return On Investment = as much as 6:1 within 1 week.
Scenario 2: Standard back/musculoskeletal pain; non-surgical
Early involvement and an effective active treatment program are essential to minimize claim duration for a typical uncomplicated soft tissue injury.
We review medical and correspond with physician $ 130.00
Treatment program (external service provider) $ 3750.00
We monitor treatment; coordinate return to work $ 260.00
Note: Statistics show 90% of uncomplicated soft tissue injuries heal within 3 months. It’s also interesting to note that those same statistics show it takes up to six months for 95% of injured workers to return to work. Compare this to core values’ model, where a successful, sustained return to work is often initiated within six to eight weeks.
Including direct and indirect costs, a 6 month absence at an $800/week entitlement is about $31,200 in losses.
Return On Investment = as much as 5:1 within 3 months.
Scenario 3: “Typical” Stress Claim
Since mental health claims are increasing 20 times faster than claims for any other cause, it is essential your employees receive treatment appropriate to the nature of their condition. An immediate referral to our independent network of specialists (i.e. psychologists, psychiatrists) ensures therapeutic and medication issues are dealt with in an appropriate and timely manner. We monitor this treatment plan to ensure it is solution-focused with a defined return to work goal.
We review medical and correspond with physician $ 130.00
Treatment sessions (external service provider) $ 1440.00
We monitor treatment and coordinate return to work $ 220.00
Including direct and indirect costs, a 2.5 year absence for an $800/week entitlement is about $156,000 in losses to your company.
Return On Investment = as much as 87:1 within one week.
Scenario 4: Employment Issues
What happens if an employee goes on extended sick leave after being disciplined at work? Or perhaps you’re aware of personality conflicts in the workplace that have precipitated an employee going off on extended sick leave. We will determine, through specific questions to the caregiver, whether or not the absence is a medical requirement or an employment issue. If it is the latter, we secure medical substantiation and refer the case to your appropriate internal resource. No disability claim is filed, or is eligible to be filed at a later date.
Review of situation; correspond with physician. $ 325.00
Refer file to appropriate internal resource.
Disability issue ‘closed’.
Including direct and indirect costs, a 1 year absence for an $800/week entitlement is about $62,400 in losses to your company.
Return On Investment = as much as 192:1 within two weeks.
These are actual examples; specific costs and returns depend on individual circumstances.